X-Art Interracial

X-Art is a popular website that features some beautiful models in solo, lesbian and hardcore pictures and videos.

The images are expertly photographed, the videos are erotic and sensual... but for me, the absence of any interracial theme has been something X-Art has lacked.

And then I checked out their "Behind the scenes" link and noticed a recent entry announcing an interracial scene... I assume they will release it soon. Let's hope it gets plenty of positive feedback and X-Art increases it's black and white productions.

Oral Domination

Great new set of Flora and Mike at Hegre-Art today with some beautiful oral photos.

Hegre-Art Galleries

Flora and Mike (Hegre-Art)

This has to be my favourite interracial pairing of the past year... and the funny thing is, there is not really any hardcore intercourse or any typical features of an average porn production.

In a lengthy photo session, Peter Hegre has crafted some tempting images that he has slowly released over time. The first release from this session came out on September 2nd and more pics from this same photoshoot come out every month or so.

You know this was quite a hot set because Flora managed to keep Mike rock hard through hundreds and hundreds of photos... and when you see the behind the scenes video of this shoot you learn why. She spends a great deal of time stroking his cock, grinding herself against him, rubbing that stiff black cock against her face... she even licks and kisses the cock head in one memorable moment of the session.

I guess what makes this session so captivating is knowing there is still more to come and trying to guess what the next group of photographs is going to look like. The last frame of "The Making Of The Big Gun Photoshoot" shows Flora straddling Mike facing the photographer, Mike's penis against her belly... and then the video ends. These pictures haven't been released yet, so it makes one curious to know what happens next. Will Flora stroke Mike's black cock to a climax? Will he shoot a load of hot cum on Flora's sexy body?